• Works
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  • Works
  • Works
  • Works
  • Works
  • Works



Moving Day

Moving Day

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Moving Day is the first of three pamphlets about affordable housing. New York City is in a severe housing crisis, as...


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During the pandemic I started knitting sweaters. This pamphlet describes the making of one sweater, made from wool grown by...


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Feral is the Summer 2023 informational pamphlet. It is a brief introduction to foraging in the urban context, for food,...
Silty Loam

Silty Loam

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Silty Loam looks at all the different ways food can be grown in an urban environment, and why one might want...
Where the Sidewalk Ends

Where the Sidewalk Ends

In the fall of 2021 a friend and I walked the length of the Grand Central Parkway in Queens, from...
Virtual Canarsie Walk

Virtual Canarsie Walk

An autumnal Virtual Walk around Canarsie Park and Canarsie Pier, in conjunction with the publication of the last pamphlet of...
Fresh Creek

Fresh Creek

The last pamphlet of 2019 is about: transportation networks, bicycling in the city, the Jamaica Bay Greenway, landfills, Robert Moses,...
Make the Earth Say Beans

Make the Earth Say Beans

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The summer 2019 informational pamphlet is about community gardens, land use, zoning, urban agriculture, and the history of Flatbush. Printed...


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Intertidal concerns itself with the history and future of the only inhabited island in Jamaica Bay, Broad Channel. Learn about...


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Flyway concerns itself with the ecology of Jamaica Bay. Learn about salt marshes, horseshoe crabs, shore birds, ospreys and more. Afterwards,...
Tell the Bees

Tell the Bees

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We have been robbing the bees for thousands of years. How much do we really know about them?
Lavender and Evil Things

Lavender and Evil Things

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Lavender and Evil Things takes a look at physic gardens - the forerunners of western botanical gardens - which provided medieval doctors and medical students their remedies.
Milky Seas

Milky Seas

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Milky Seas is an investigation into the phenomenon of bioluminescent bacteria, and the various advantages that glowing-in-the-dark can provide.
The Weekly Transcript

The Weekly Transcript

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The Weekly Transcript is an investigation of the minor islands of the New York City Archipelago: their history, use, and reuse. What do we keep on these islands and how do they relate to the city as a whole?
The Turtle

The Turtle

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The Turtle is a handmade booklet telling the story of Bushnell's Turtle, the first submersible used in combat, first deployed in the waters off of Governors Island.
Escape Wheel

Escape Wheel

Escape Wheel concerns time: biological, mechanical, relative, and narrative. Why don't you go to work in the middle of the night? Why don't we still use water clocks? What is a sextant?
Action at a Distance

Action at a Distance

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Action at a Distance is an exploration of Isaac Newton, the Principia, and the beginnings of the Royal Society in London. Math! Plague! Mean Anonymous Pamphlets!
Escapism for Amateurs

Escapism for Amateurs

Escapism for Amateurs is an investigation of the life and times of Harry Houdini, favorite son of Appleton, Wisconsin and pioneer in the realm of escapologists, who built his career on demonstrating the ability to escape from a huge variety of restraints and difficult situations.
A Guide to Leisure Activities for Introverts

A Guide to Leisure Activities for Introverts

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Do you know someone who needs hours alone every day?Who has to be dragged to parties and then needs the rest of the day to recuperate?Who growls or scowls or grunts or winces when accosted with pleasantries by people who are just trying to be nice?
Weasels and Their Habits

Weasels and Their Habits

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Weasels are more common than many people realize. This publication explores qualities unique to the weasel, their habits, and interesting weasel behavior.